N. Virginia Community College
N. Virginia Community College N. Virginia Community College
N. Virginia Community College N. Virginia Community College
Dumfries Elementary School Dumfries Elementary School
Lake Fairfax Park Reston, VA Team Finley recently completed a major roadway rehabilitation project at Lake Fairfax Park. Our scope of work included milling, full depth excavation, grading, paving, and…
Manassas Mall Manassas Va Roof top view of some early morning paving at the Manassas Mall located in Manassas Va.
Potomack Lakes Sportsplex Misael and crew pouring the concrete pavement at Potomack Lakes Sportsplex. This project includes over 400 cubic yards of concrete.
Mercer Middle School Mercer Middle School located in Aldie, Va. Antelmo and concrete crew completing interior courtyards.
Ellis Mills Estates community Finley was brought in to complete asphalt repairs and utilities adjustments in the Ellis Mills Estates community. In the picture we completed phase two which included…
Old Dominion Landfill Project type: Industrial Services Completed: Concrete Size: 350 cubic yards of concrete The Problem: This was one of the largest concrete jobs of the year…
Chantilly Crossing Shopping center Finley completed removal and replacement of the main roadway into the Chantilly Crossing Shopping center. This roadway serves as the main entrance not only to Chantilly…
Lake Ridge MS running tracks and other recreational courts and trails This was one of four running tracks we completed this summer. Finley is one of the few paving contractors…